Friday, November 29, 2019

010 School Clubs and Review Professor Ramos Blog

010 School Clubs and Review Segregation and School Clubs Quick Write Do you belong to any clubs or organizations? Segregation and School Clubs In groups of 2 research the clubs on campus. Every group takes 1 and tell us what you find. Crafton Clubs Anime Club Aquatics Club Asian Pacific Islander Student Union ASL Club Black and Latinos United Breakdancing Club CHC Art Club Circle K International Club Computer Science and Technology Club F.I.N.D. Food FBLA-PBL Business Club Phi Beta Lambda (The National Business Organization) Fire Academy Association Fire Tech Club Gamers Guild Geology Club Health Science Club Lighthouse Christian Club Math Club Metaphysical Explorers Obsidian Dance Club Open Art Factory Club P.C. Game Hub Physics Club Psychology Club Psychology Research Club Social Justice Club Spanish Club Student Veterans Club Walking Tall Review the Campus on diversity according to the three criteria from our reading. Structural Diversity Classroom Diversity Informal Interactional Diversity Reviewing Teachers Come up with criteria to review teachers. Think about your past teachers, what made them good or bad? 3 to 6 criteria. not too many or too few. Sources for Review 1-2 Primary texts 1-2+ Scholarly sources 1-2+ Popular sources 4 sources minimum.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Biography of Frederick Douglass

Biography of Frederick Douglass The biography of Frederick Douglass is emblematic of the lives of slaves and former slaves. His struggle for freedom, devotion to the abolitionist cause, and lifetime battle for equality in America established him as perhaps the most important African-American leader of the 19th century. Early Life Frederick Douglass was born in February 1818 on a plantation on the eastern shore of Maryland. He was not sure of the his exact birth date, and he also did not know the identity of his father, who was assumed to be a white man and likely a member of the family who owned his mother. He was originally named Frederick Bailey by his mother, Harriet Bailey. He was separated from his mother when he was young, and was raised by other slaves on the plantation. Escape From Slavery When he was eight years old he was sent to live with a family in Baltimore, where his new mistress taught him to read and write. Young Frederick demonstrated considerable intelligence, and in his teens he was hired out to work in the shipyards of Baltimore as a caulker, a skilled position. His salary was paid to his legal owners, the Auld family. Frederick became determined to escape to freedom. After one failed attempt, he was able to secure identification papers in 1838 stating he was a seaman. Dressed as a sailor, he boarded a train northward and successfully escaped to New York City at the age of 21. A Brilliant Speaker for the Abolitionist Cause Anna Murray, a free black woman, followed Douglass northward, and they were married in New York City. The newlyweds moved onward to Massachusetts (adopting the last name Douglass). Douglass found work as a laborer in New Bedford. In 1841 Douglass attended a meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in Nantucket. He got onstage and gave a speech which riveted the crowd. His story of life as a slave was delivered with passion, and he was encouraged to dedicate himself to speaking out against slavery in America. He began touring the northern states, to mixed reactions. In 1843 he was nearly killed by a mob in Indiana. Publication of Autobiography Frederick Douglass was so impressive in his new career as a public speaker that rumors circulated that he was somehow a fraud and had never actually been a slave. Partly to contradict such attacks, Douglass began writing an account of his life, which he published in 1845 as The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. The book became a sensation. As he became prominent, he feared slave catchers would apprehend him and return him to slavery. To escape that fate, and also to promote the abolitionist cause overseas, Douglass left for an extended visit to England and Ireland, where he was befriended by Daniel OConnell, who was leading the crusade for Irish freedom. Douglass Purchased His Own Freedom While overseas Douglass made enough money from his speaking engagements that he could have lawyers affiliated with the abolitionist movement approach his former owners in Maryland and purchase his freedom. At the time, Douglass was actually criticized by some abolitionists. They felt that buying his own freedom only gave credibility to the institution of slavery. But Douglass, sensing danger if he returned to America, arranged for lawyers to pay $1,250 to Thomas Auld in Maryland. Douglass returned to the United States in 1848, confident he could live in freedom. Activities In the 1850s Throughout the 1850s, when the country was being torn apart by the issue of slavery, Douglass was at the forefront of abolitionist activity. He had met John Brown, the anti-slavery fanatic, years earlier. And Brown approached Douglass and tried to recruit him for his raid on Harpers Ferry. Douglass though the plan was suicidal, and refused to participate. When Brown was captured and hanged, Douglass feared he might be implicated in the plot, and fled to Canada briefly from his home in Rochester, New York. Relationship With Abraham Lincoln During the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858, Stephen Douglas taunted Abraham Lincoln with crude race-baiting, at times mentioning that Lincoln was a close friend of Frederick Douglass. In fact, at that time they had never met. When Lincoln became president, Frederick Douglass did visit him twice at the White House. At Lincolns urging, Douglass helped recruit African-Americans into the Union army. And Lincoln and Douglass obviously had a mutual respect. Douglass was in the crowd at Lincolns second inaugural, and was devastated when Lincoln was assassinated six weeks later. Frederick Douglass Following the Civil War Following the end of slavery in America, Frederick Douglass continued to be an advocate for equality. He spoke out on issues related to Reconstruction and the problems faced by newly freed slaves. In the late 1870s President Rutherford B. Hayes appointed Douglass to a federal job, and he held several government posts including a diplomatic posting in Haiti. Douglass died in Washington, D.C. in 1895.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing and choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing and choice - Essay Example At many times, it has been observed that businesses believe in many other important factors other than consumer behavior to create successful strategies, such as innovative products. Both the perspectives can be analyzed to conclude that whether consumer decisions and behaviors should influence the marketing strategies or not. Consumer buying decisions may be used by businesses to create successful marketing strategies, but at the same time these evaluations may result in risks and problems for the businesses. This report analyses the arguments provided by experts saying that consumer decisions and behaviors should be considered because they give an insight to the marketers about their potential buyers, while others argue it should not be considered as business marketing needs to be rather innovative; however there has not been any clear conclusion to the discussion as both aspects have their own positive and negative points. Many of the business analysts favorably suggest that consu mer decisions should be evaluated, examined and analyzed to set successful marketing strategies. This is because the customers are the major assets of the business as they enhance the growth, sales and profits of the business (Cheverton, 2005, p. 125). When a product is made, the first focus of the marketing department is to examine the target customers, position the product in the market and then create the marketing mix for the product. For these steps, the main feature is to select the targeted customers and reach up to their demands and expectations. As the business industry is becoming more and more competitive by every passing day, it is becoming even important for the businesses to recognize the tastes and behaviors of their new and existing customers. The industry today is full of complex customers who are highly informed and have high expectations. If the business wants to have a successful future, it has to consider and analyze the consumer decision making behaviors and se t their strategies according to that. Thus, it is the objective of the business’s marketing department to observe and understand the behavior of the consumers and design their product just as it attracts them (Zeithaml, 1988, p. 2). In order to keep track of the consumer demands and expectations, the business needs to allocate its resources in a way that they are able to spend a decent proportion of funds in evaluating the consumer tastes and decisions. Olson writes, for this, the business also needs highly technical tools through which they can research the market trends in lesser time and get efficient results. Business analysts suggest that it is vital for the business to spend its money, time, resources and efforts in focusing and fulfilling consumer demands because without that, the business cannot form successful marketing strategies (Olson, 2010, p. 135). On the other hand, arguments against this fact suggest that as the consumers have become more complex, their demand s have increased. The businesses that evaluate and examine the consumer decisions must hire a separate team that will understand and analyze the psychological trends that move on in customers. The customers are now highly informed and thus the products that reach to them must be perfect according to what they expect. While this is an important aspect to consider, it is also undeniable that there are plenty of customers that are still unaware and simple. For these customers, high tech products or

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Profile Toxicology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Profile Toxicology - Term Paper Example Pb (23.5-27%), 207 Pb (20.5-23%) and 204 Pb (1.35-1.5 %).These isotopes are the stable decay product of three naturally radioactive elements : 206 Pb from Uranium, 207 Pb from actinium and 208Pb from thorium(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), 2005) . Lead rarely exists as a metal, but rather, in combination with two or more elements to form Pd compounds. The element has three oxidation states (0 or the metal state, +2 and +4), the most common oxidative state being +2. Lead generally exhibits has amphoteric properties; +2 (basic) and +4 (acidic) (APHA, 1999). Lead is an element that naturally occurs in the earth’s crust. Ore deposits of Pb include galena (PBS), anglesite (PbSO4) and cerussite (PbCO3). Anthropogenic sources of Pb in the environment , include : homes (household dust, peeling of lead-based paints, toys, furniture, table ware etc.), contaminated food (food grown in Pb-contaminated soil or sprayed with Pb insecticides), soils and dust (flaking or weathering paint, improper renovation and disposal of building materials, roadside - contamination from leaded gasoline, settled dust from industrial sources), water (leaded pipes or connectors and lead- lined tanks), and air (industrial emissions from smelters, incinerators, manufacturing operations, recycling efforts, and leaded gasoline) (Davies, 1995). Historically, Pb was widely used in plumbing, as anti-knock agent in petrol, and as an addictive in paints. However, these uses have recently reduced due to environmental concerns about cumulative lead poisoning. Presently, Pb is used in storage batteries , paints, pigments and colored inks as shielding from radiation, e.g., in x-ray rooms and nuclear reactors. Lead is also used as cable covering, as ammunition, as electrodes, in solder and roofing material.(Martiez , Nagae , Zaia , & Zaia 2004). The fate and behavior of Pb in the environment is quite complex because of the many compounds of Pb and that can be found and the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Civil Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Civil Law - Essay Example The basic purpose of punishing someone is to make him understand that he has committed a wrong and he should be made to pay for it, though not in terms of cash or something but in a manner that will do some good for this human being in the long run. Punishments have to be understood in the proper context, so as to state the least. We will delve further through the course of this paper as to how punishment is linked with morality, equality, rights of human beings and just about everything that comes under the banner. Equality is man's most perilous metaphor whereby it has haunted and made a fool of him for a number of years now. Equality and indeed justice takes into account a number of differences amongst people, top of the list of which includes the racial ones that are either ancestral which may be hereditary or inborn as well as cultural, i.e., procured from society after one's birth. This one can usually be changed or at times totally removed with the enforcement of changes that might be social in nature. These changes are in essence, autonomous of man's laws, rules, regulations and customs, except over a period of many eras. Justice particularly has a number of characteristics as it basically chalks down the conditions and necessities that are linked up with it. Justice within a society is not all about being fair but also holds a great deal of importance on being just and timely. It is a true saying that justice delayed is justice denied; for this reason justice takes both these things wh en it is defined in the truest sense of the word. Justice is radically associated with the mighty men - the rulers and the ones who govern a particular area or a regiment of soldiers. Justice thus holds supreme importance for these brave men as they are the ones who lay the foundation for the society to be a part of the equal rights and hence the fairness fable in general. The concepts of civil rights and of civil law are both functions of the concept of civil society whereby it is that bubble of private action free of government control. It is not free of government action, because government action secures the nature of civil society by the protection of persons against criminal wrongs. The essence of civil society is thus that people are left by government to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, while the government protects the citizens from criminal wrongs of violence, theft, fraud as well as many others. The most violent and heinous crimes committed anywhere in the world are by the youth. These are organized and in a proper manner, with no shortcomings at any end on anyone's part. Research has found out that the youth are the ones who are most definitely involved in this menace. At times, the politicians are the ones who use them in order to hold protests against any civil or governmental norm prevalent in a certain region of the world which enrage these youth. Studies have shown that the extreme cases of criminal behaviours all involved having youth at their expanse. They not only bring with them terror for the common citizens but also introduce a huge dust of alcohol, abuse of drugs and many other forbidden things in the society. The future generation should be made to stay away from this peril as much as possible. Studies show that these young people are those who are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

What is Serial Killer behavior and profiling

What is Serial Killer behavior and profiling What is a serial killer? Many have their own ideas as to what a serial killer is, what they look like, and what kind of job they have or how they were raised or even where they live. In order for the reader to really understand the definition of a serial killer the research must pinpoint what makes a serial. Statistical data as well as demographic data will also be discussed so that it can show accuracy between profiles and stereotypes. Past studies and the articles under consideration mostly point out two major factors that result into causing the homicidal behavior. These factors are psychological aspects and disturbed family background. The studies that we are going to review have analyzed the serial killing attitudes using different approaches. Geographical Profiling, Decision Support System, Motives, Comparison of single and serial killers, Distinction between antisocial personality disorder and psychopaths, Demographics of victims, the White trash phenomenon and a criticism ove r generalities profiling are our studied approaches and findings. The psychological aspects include abnormal kinds of satisfaction that a homicide derives from abusive attitude. This satisfaction may be either of sexual nature or revenge or both. Other abusive activities such as indulging into drugs, alcoholism and minor crimes are also considered in the psychological aspects. A disturbed background at home includes split family, abusive parent or guardian, the circumstances that lead to staying at care. A child when goes through disturbed phases within family it is a big stimulus for that child to turn into a homicide. The children who live in foster care have a potency to engage into abusive activities in future when they leave care. The reviewed studies follow logarithmic and quadratic distribution, normalization parameter, literature review, integration approach, comparative approach, cinematic approach and profiling approach. Truth behind Serial Murder Serial homicide, in its youngest form was known by the FBI as a lust murder (Egger, 1998). Still the question arises as to what is the actual definition of a serial killer. Another describes a serial killer as one that explodes in homicidal rampage (Egger, 1998). Then you look at law enforcement and what they say is serial murder is sexual attacks, the death of men, women and children committed by a male killer (Egger, 1998). Though there are many definitions to what a serial killer may be, one may have to look further in depth to really understand what the definition is. Here are some ideas to think about when defining this aspect. First, serial murder occurs when one or more individuals commit murder of three or more people over a period of time. Second, there is a cooling off period between each murder. This could be weeks, months or even years before they go after another victim. Third, there is usually no connection between the victim and assailant. Forth, Serial killings are us ually different in geographic area and can move from one location to another. Last, but not least motives are not for material reasons, but for power and control (Holmes, 1998). As one may notice researchers have been studying and trying to create an iron clad definition to go by when establishing what a serial killer is. Although as difficult as one may think this is, the above mentioned characteristics of a serial killer help Law enforcement further in their serial killer cases. In another attempt at defining a serial killer it was stated as any offenders, male or female, who kill over time with a minimum of three to four victims who have a pattern with their killing that can be associated with the types of victims selected or the method or motives (Hickey, 2002). Ideologies of Serial murder There have been numerous researches done in order to create many categories, types, and labels of murders. Some of these categories include biological, psychological, and sociological traits (Siegel, 1998). Other researchers have gone further in categorizing murders as brain disorders, passive aggressive, alcoholics, mentally retarded, and hysterical (Hickey, 2002). Other researchers in yet more categories such as the visionary type who hears voices, which tell them to act in horrible acts. Then there is the mission type who believes it is their duty to get rid of evil people in the world and example of this is Hitler. Some examples of what may be considered as evil are certain religions, ethnic groups and homosexuals. Next, is the hedonistic type which commits violent acts for fun. They kill for only the pleasure of it, there is no personal gain with this type. Last, but not least there is the power type who desires to be in control (hickey, 1997). An example of this is actually a m ovie called Saw where they get pure pleasure by setting someone up in a contraption that will kill them if they do not do something for the killer. The victim does what is expected, but in most cases they still die thinking that they were going to live. This is also where the background of bedwetting and animal cruelty begins (Douglas, 1999). Males Serial Killers The earliest documentation after the 1800s of an adult male serial killer was Edward Rulloff, also known as the educated murderer, in 1846. It wasnt until the 1900s that we saw a dramatic increase (Hickey, 2002). A study done by D.K Rossmo in 1995 stated that males were involved in over 90% of serial murders. He found that the average age for a serial killer was around the mid-20. In his study he went on to show that 73% were white males, 22% were African American, 3% were Hispanic, and 1 % Asian (Hickey, 2002). The mobility classifying gets a little difficult for it differs for each serial killer. About one-third of male killers have killed people in multiple states. Over 50% of male serial killers stayed locally when committing their murders. Over 10% of serial killers use their own home (Hickey, 2002). Most victims however, are killed by a local serial killer. The victims of these serial killers can be categorized into three different targets. First, is the stranger. Next, which i s the most targeted is the acquaintances, and last but not least is the family members. The occupation of a male serial killer is very diverse. Jobs such as a plumber to a physician are common. Many known serial killers were in jobs you would never think of them being in given their nasty habits. A good example of this is Ted Bundy who was thought to have been a law student. Another was Bianchi who was a security officer and an ambulance driver as well. He over a seven year period held over 10 jobs (Egger, 1998). It is examples like these that show the assortment of backgrounds that these men share. It does not seem to be a factor as far as education goes. Some of these men never made it through high school whereas some did, yet they did not further their education past high school and a few did. In addition to this many also had a prior criminal history. Results were astonishing as the combination of offenses such as prison, mental hospital, property offenses, sex crimes, crimes on children, drugs, fire starting, homicide, and assault was 68% (Hickey, 2002). Next, what we will talk about is the importance of the motives and methods of a serial killer, which a lot of researches see as the most important. Eric Hickeys study illustrated that 41% of serial killers uses some fire arms. 42% of serial killers in his study used a combination of methods. Such methods that were used include 37% strangulation and 34 % stabbing. 26% used some bludgeoning, and 19% used firearms only. It went on to say that 13 % stabbed only. The last 2% used other means as their way of killing (Hickey, 2002). Serial Killer Most Frequent Method à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¾ Albert DeSalvo Strangulation à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¾ Ed Kemper Shooting à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¾ Carlton Gary Strangulation à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¾ Robert Long Combination à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¾ Kenneth Bianchi Strangulation (Hickey, 2002; Egger, 1998). Female Serial Killers Many do not think of a female as being a serial killer, but contrary to that belief they do exist. Females are more often than not dismissed as being serial killers, because of the stereotype under which they fall. Researchers provide evidence to prove that they indeed are capable of committing serial murder. When fitting women to this profile it is hard because you think of your mom who is loving and nurturing. The last think anyone wants is to think that their mother could be such a thing as a serial killer. The public just doesnt think of their mothers and sisters as having the capability of murder (Holmes, 1998). Unfortunately statistics show that 10 to 15 percent of American serial killers have been women (Jenkins, 1994). The FBI called Aileen Wuornos the first female serial killer after killing seven men by shooting them in the torso in 1989 (Egger, 1998). Females can be as cruel and uncompassionate as male serial killers (Abbot et al. 2001). Like the male serial killer there i s documentation of female serial killers going as far back as the 1800s. From 1826 to 1995 there have been a total of 59 cases of female serial killings. The number of victims killed within this time frame is over 834 (Hickey, 2002). Most of female serial killers seem to lead a normal average life. According to a study by Hickey, 32% of female serial killers have been homemakers, 18% were nurse or had been a nurse, and 15 % had a prior criminal record. Also like men the average were whit and around there early 30s. As far as female serial Killers victims it seems that according to research they fall into the same three categories as men. In most of the other aspects women are pretty close to the same in their serial killings. However motives seem to be somewhat different of that of male serial killers. These are usually based on emotions, such as being physically abused, sexually abused. The many aspect of a serial killer that were discussed in this paper show both the sides of a male and a female serial killer and the many profiling behaviors of each. Our reviewed studies have analyzed the relationship of all these factors using various techniques. It is possible that many serial murderers are apprehended before they kill three or more victims required to qualify as such. Similarly, there are some who are detained for mental institutions and not directly answer for their crimes. Others continue to kill many more people to over the years without being arrested.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Discussing if Anzac Day Should be Celebrated or Mourned Essay -- essay

"We have no unknown soldier These are not forgotten men But cousins, uncles, neighbours Who will never laugh again. But they'll not be forgotten For the price they had to pay. For their children's children's children Will still march on Anzac Day No, they'll not be forgotten For the price they had to pay. For their children's children's children Will still march on Anzac Day." - Vic Macdonald 1988 Every year on the 25th of April Australia comes together to celebrate the bravery and extreme courage of those soldiers who risked and lost their lives while fighting for Australia in Gallipoli. But should it be celebrated? Should we cheer the men that returned when so many were killed and died of disease in the trenches at Gallipoli? Should we celebrate their bravery? Does this glorify war? Or should we mourn the waste of over sixty thousand brave men? Why has a day that commemorates death and defeat come to symbolise a national identity to the people of Australia? The ?modern? Anzac day does not only celebrate the Anzac?s (Australia New Zealand Army Corps) but all the wars that Australia has participated in. But why is the focus of Anzac Day on Australia?s defeat at Gallipoli while fighting someone else?s war, and not perhaps the victory at Milne Bay against the Japanese. What is it about the battle at Gallipoli that brings Australia together to commemorate? Or do they celebrate? This paper will be focussing on the texts from the play ?The One Day of The Year? by Alan Seymour. Which explores a war veteran and his son?s view of the meaning and reason of Anzac Day. The play ?The One Day of the Year? gives a very strong message about two very different views of the meaning of Anzac Day. The reader of the play is ... ... and the right to voice their opinion. Australia is a lucky country to have freedom of speech. So should Anzac day be celebrated? Commemorated? Or Mourned? It is all about opinion, just like Alf and Hughie settled there differences by agreeing to disagree. Australia should allow that freedom of opinion and speech. In summary if you personally believe that Anzac should be celebrated you should be free to do so. Likewise if you believe that the deaths and carnage that occurred at Gallipoli should be mourned and not celebrated. However whether you choose to celebrate or mourn, remember the sacrifice of the brave soldiers who fought and died in the name of Australia. They shall grow not we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them - Laurence Binyon

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of Oldtown

1. 2 Brief explanation of the company’s history The  OldTown White Coffee,  OTWC  (Chinese:   ) is the largest  kopitiam  restaurant  chain in  Malaysia. Its main headquarters is in  Ipoh, Perak,  Malaysia. Established in 1999, the co-founders and Executive Director, Mr. Goh Ching Mun and Mr. Tan Say Yap are the incorporation of White Cafe and provide quality white coffee to Malaysian households and the food services industry. It manufactures instant beverage mixes and products, in addition to operating over 180 cafe outlets throughout Malaysia and the region.With more than 10 years of experience in the coffee beverage industry, both of co-founders were instrumental in the growth of the Oldtown Group of companies. Next, Mr. Lee Siew Heng, Group of Managing Director who played a significant role in implementing the overall vision, strategy and development of the Oldtown Group is the one of support them to incorporation Oldtown Group. In 1999, they successful ly to commercialize the instant 3-in-1 coffee mix under the â€Å"OLDTOWN† brand name for the retail sector.By end of 2009 October, the â€Å"OLDTOWN† 3-in-1 instant coffee mix was sold in approximately 1,348 retail outlets nationwide in Malaysia, approximately 550 retail outlets in Singapore and approximately 2,100 retail outlet in Hong Kong. In 2000, the â€Å"OLDTOWN† brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix is the first export to Singapore. In 2001, White Cafe marketing commenced operations as the marketing arm for the Group’s beverage products. During the same year, the product line is expanded and includes different variations of the instant coffee mix.In addition, instant coffee mix has also expanded export to Hong Kong markets. In year 2002, White Cafe obtained a HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the Group’s beverages. This is the part of OLDTOWN Group’s intentions, which is to produce the beverages in accordance with the Islamic law. In the same year, OLDTOWN Group’s have successfully expanded to nationwide retail distribution of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix to cover East and West Malaysia through major hypermarkets and supermarkets.In 2003, OLDTOWN Group’s have also successfully commercialized the new blend of 3-in-1 instant milk tea for the retail market under the â€Å"OLDTOWN† brand name. In view of expanding OLDTOWN manufacturing activities, OLDTOWN Group’s incorporated Gongga Food in 2003 and commenced operations in 2004 manufacturing roasted coffee powder for the road services sector using the Group’s proprietary bean roasting process. OLDTOWN Group’s also distributed the roasted coffee powder to traditional coffee shops in Ipoh and other states in Malaysia.In addition to the food services sector, roasted coffee powder is also marketed to the retail sector under the â€Å"NANYANG† brand. In 2004, it also further penetrated the export markets for 3-in-1 instant coffee to cover the United States, Canada and United Kingdom and subsequently in 2005, Taiwan and Indonesia. In 2005, OLDTOWN Group’s expanded vertically into the food services sector by opening a chain of cafe outlets based on the traditional Ipoh coffee shop setting and ambience under the â€Å"OLTOWN WHITE COFFEE† brand name.This is part of the Group’s strategy of capitalizing and reinforcing on the â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† brand in the food services industry. In the same year, Kopitiam Asian Pacific commenced operations in the licensing, supply of food, beverages and other item, and provision of management services to â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlet. Since the opening of the first â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlet in Ipoh in 2005, the chain of cafe outlets have expanded to reach 137 cafe outlets in Malaysia and Singapore as at 31 October 2009. This included fully and partially owned, and franchised cafe outlets.In 2005 and 2006, OLDTOWN Group’s has established the subsidiaries namely as Old Town Kopitiam, Old Town Kopitam Butterworth, Old Town Kopitiam Kuala Lumpur, Old Town Kopitiam Cheras, Conneczone to focus on operating cafe outlets in different areas and states within Malaysia. To support the cafe outlet business operations, their established the following subsidiaries as central food processing centres between year 2005 and 2007:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emperor’s Kitchen commenced operations in 2005;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Esquire Chef commenced operations in 2007;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dynasty Confectionery commenced operations in 2007. In 2005, Gongga Food’s business activities also expanded to cater to the procurement of food items for â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlets. In the same year, Gongga Food also obtained a HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the production of its roasted coffee powder. Furthermore, OLDTOWN Group’s has obtained a HACCP certification from BM TRADE Certification Ltd for the processing and manufacturing of beverage roducts. In 2006, the company also expanded the product export to Japan and China markets. In the same year, the company incorporated Dynasty Kitchen as a distribution centre, which commenced operations in 2007. During this year, group’s company also incorporated Oldtown Berhad, which will focus on investment holding and provision of management services pursuant to its listing on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. Subsequently the OLDTOWN Group’s also started exporting to Thailand and Philippines.In view of group’s company plans to expand more cafe outlet business operation to Singapore, OLDTOWN company also incorporated Oldtown Singapore in 2007 to provide management services, supply of food and beverage items to cafe outlets in Singapore. OTK Singapore commenced operations in 20 08 with the launch of the first â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlet in Singapore. In 2008, the company of Dynasty Confectionery and Esquire Chef obtained HALAL certifications from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the processing of various foods.On other food-processing subsidiary, Emperor’s Kitchen obtained HALAL certification from the IFRC ASIA. To further affirm, OLDTOWN Group’s adherence to international food safety standard and White Cafe achieved ISO 22000:2005 certification and ISO 9001:2000 from BM TRADA Certification in 2008 in addition to GMP certification by the Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia in the same year. Within 2008, OLDTOWN Group’s has expanded the product lines to include 3-in-1 instant coffee mix with cane sugar.In 2009, Gongga Food obtained a HACCP certification from BM TRADA Certification Ltd for the production of roasted coffee powder. OldTown White Coffee now exports its instant beverage mi xes to more than 10 countries worldwide and plans to expand its cafe outlet network in the region. The group has an extensive chain of cafes in Malaysia via 194 outlets as of end Nov 2011, and also operates a few outlets that are open 24/7 in certain areas. This tally includes fully and partially owned outlets, franchise outlets and licensed outlets.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Love is womens whole existence

Love is womens whole existence This paper deals with the cultural myth that â€Å"Love is women’s whole existence.† Over the years, the society has been made to believe and accept that women live only for love. However, this is not the case; it is a cultural myth whose time to go has come. Love is crucial to women; nevertheless, love is not the only goal or purpose that women live for.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Love is women’s whole existence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apart from being lovers, women are responsible mothers, sisters, daughters, and workers as well. With changing times, women can now access decent education and jobs; which make them, lead independent lives without men. Nowadays women are living without that ‘love’ and this may explain the up surge in single mothers and single women. This myth of love being the woman’s whole existence usually accompanies the notion that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. Far from it, women are found in every profession be it military, healthcare, judiciary or even in presidency. Nothing can explain a freed woman from this cultural myth than Charlotte Bronte’s works: The Life and Loves of a She-Devil, The Mill on the Floss, and Jane Eyre. Female characters in these works struggle to shake off love and through this; they are in a position to pursue their dreams and gain the much-needed energy to overcome life challenges. For instance, in Jane Eyre, Jane portrays her autonomy and will power to overcome Rochester after realizing he has a wife. Drowned into the myth of ‘love is woman’s whole existence’, Rochester thinks Jane would become his lover and a missus. However, Jane is not set for these illusions; she walks away with only ten pounds, a piece of bread, and the clothes she was wearing. She leaves behind the jewelry and all luxuries that Rochester had brought into her life in name o f love (Cadena para. 5). This may be in literature, but it translates and links strongly to what is happening in the contemporary world. Women are no longer tied to this myth and they are rising to claim their autonomy. Single mothers are on the increase and this is a clear indication that this cultural myth is obsolete. If love was the only thing that women lived for, there could not be single mothers in the society today. The word ‘single mother’ here does not refer to single mothers because of spouse’s death; it refers to single motherhood by choice. Interestingly, the current demographics are shocking to those who think that love is the only thing that women live for.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, in 2006 alone, 80% of the 12.9 million families headed by single parents were women (Mackay 36). Moreover, in Australia, 31% of babies born since 2001 are from unmarried women (Rickard 29). In the United Kingdom, of the 5.9 million single parents, 64% were single mothers (Bergman 8). This does not leave out South Korea, a rather conservative society. 1.6 million Children were born by single mothers in 2007 (Sang-Hun 9). These statistics shows how misplaced the cultural myth that love is the only thing women live for is. In the wake of these revelations, it is evident that there are other components in a woman’s life, which are of more importance or at least equal importance to love. If love were the only thing women had to live for, then these births by single mothers would never be. These women would have stuck with their spouses in the pursuit of that ‘love’, which matters so much in their lives. Therefore, love is not the only thing that women live; there are other elements like career and autonomy to mention but a few, that matter most or equal love in a woman’s life. Bergm an, Mike. Single-Parent Households Showed Little Variation since 1994. U.S. Census Bureau. 2007. Web. Annotations Cadena, Christine. â€Å"Challenging the Cultural Myth that Love is Womens Whole Existence.† 2006. Web. This is a well-written article on how women have moved with speed to disqualify the notion that they only live for love. The author quotes extensively British writers like Bronte, Eliot, and Welden. It brings into light how these novel writers used their writing skills to portray woman’s potential not governed by love alone. Mackay, Ross. The Impact of Family Structure and Family Change on Child Outcomes: A Personal Reading of the Research Literature Social Policy. Journal Of New Zealand 2008, 34(3); 36.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Love is women’s whole existence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ross Mackay in this journal explores family structures and how they have c hanged over the time. The article gives insights on how single motherhood is rising with time and how these mothers are independent and successful. Sang-Hun, Choe. Group Resists Korean Stigma for Unwed Mothers. The New York Times. 2007. Web. This article explains the stigma that unmarried women go through. In the hands of the conservative Korean society. The statistics given is a clear indication that, single motherhood is not acceptable in Korean society.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

History Of Contraception essays

History Of Contraception essays Through the centuries, women and men have been searching for the ultimate contraceptive. Many different methods have been tried and many have failed. Some have been painful or comfortable and others ineffective and others effective. Either way different methods have been past down from generations. In the paragraphs below histories of various methods of contraceptives will be discussed. The first method is the natural method. In the past, women used to nurse their children for two or three years. This would suppress ovulation protecting them from pregnancy. Another natural method is coitus reservatus or withholding ejaculation. This meant that the male would not ejaculate in the female, but hold the ejaculation back. Another effective natural method is coitus interruptus or withdrawing before ejaculation. The process of coitus interruptus involves the male withdrawing the penis from the female before ejaculation occurs. Most of these methods were effective yet dangerous.The other form of contraception is known as the artifical method. This method uses unnatural barriers or chemicals to kill, block or slow down sperm. h Abstinence is free and available to everyone. h It's extremely effective at preventing both pregnancy and infection. h It can be started at any time in your life. h Abstinence may encourage people to build relationships in other ways. h Sometimes people change their mind in the heat of the moment and might not have birth control handy. h Some people find not having sex frustrating. Sometimes, if you give birth and only feed the baby from your bodies own milk, it is quite likely that your periods will not return for a number of months. If this is the case, then the woman probably won't get pregnant during the first 6 months of breastfeeding. After the baby is 6 months old, the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding decreases, especially if she start hav...

Monday, November 4, 2019

True or False Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

True or False - Essay Example For instance, information from an individual could be given voluntarily or out of torture. On the other hand, corrective justice is concerned with the fair response to an evil deed to a person or a group of people. In corrective justice, the wrongdoer is expected to compensate his/her actions either by returning the stolen goods or paying for the damages caused (Weinrib, 2002). From the three types of justice, corrective justice is the best since it focuses on gain and loss, equality, correlativity of the parties. One of the reasons for choosing correlative justice is the fact that it acknowledges gain and loss. Gain and loss, in this case, refer to the effects on the amount or state of an individual’s resource that result from interactions between two or more parties (Modak-Truran, 2013). A gain is an increase in the resource whereas a loss is the decrease in the same. While procedural justice is focused in how information is gathered, corrective justice focuses on the actual resources that are affected. Corrective justice is, therefore, the best since it advocates for the restoration of the victims possessions before the interaction. The offender should compensate the victim either to restore their initial positions or to raise their status to a set standard. Equality is another reason for qualifying corrective justice as the best. Corrective justice has equality as the point of reference in determining a just action and just treatments. Equality is the status quo of the parties involved that existed before their interaction (Modak-Truran, 2013).In order to determine the position of the equality, before the interaction, gain and loss can be used. For instance, when Party A hits Party B, the situation can be analyzed to determine whether Party A had interfered with Party B’s right of free from body invasion or if it was an act of self-defense. The correlative nature of the corrective justice is another

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Should Parents Know of Increased Alzheimer's risk Essay

Should Parents Know of Increased Alzheimer's risk - Essay Example The answer is quite clear that awareness is very important about this disease in the present time. Psychotic symptoms such as delusions and aberrations have been observed in large percentage of patients suffering from this disease. In fact, it is the presence of these symptoms which can lead to early regimentation. (Tappen R. M. 1998) â€Å"You know, people get frustrated because their loved ones who have Alzheimer's, oh, he doesn't recognize me anymore, how can I recognize this person, if they don't recognize me? They're not the same person.   Well, they are the same person, but they've got a brain disease. And it's not their fault they've got this disease.† --Ron Reagan In the present age, only a negligible number of ordinary people have proper awareness about the Alzheimer’s disease. In general, the people know merely two things about this disease. Firstly, they know that it is an attenuating disease which is incurable. And secondly they know that memory loss is it s common symptom. That is enough information to produce lot of depression among the aging population but a little more awareness would definitely bring some needed relief. Another misconception among the people is that they think that Alzheimer’s disease can only occur in old age. ... However, children and young adults can also experience this disease as a result of number of rare diseases and conditions. For example, in Batten Disease, unfortunately, Alzheimer’ disease can be observed in many facets, many age ranges and in many different aberrations. The intensity ranges from mild to almost extreme of the worst possible. This disease seems very difficult to treat in the world. (Taylor, Richard 2007) Some of the reasons as to why awareness is important for parents about this disease are related to different aspects of the world. If a parent does not know much about Alzheimer’s disease and has it in his genes then it is possible that his/her child would also suffer from this disorder. The possibility of the disease increases further when both the parents are susceptible to the disease. The parents should be aware about the disease so that they would not opt for a child as it would ruin his whole life. Moreover the child may cause increased medical cos ts if he suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Awareness of the parents would help them to treat their children or at least get a check up at an early age so that the deteriorative processes do not end up in the last stage. Timely intervention can be counted as one of the most important factors which can help in the treatment of the disease. Awareness of parents can help to increase this timely intervention and can thus enhance the treatment process of the children suffering from the disease. Awareness of the issue can further help in lowering down the incidence of the disease as it is being prevailing in the world. All these points strongly support the point that parents and other